What a day ~
I had an early start this morning, little knowing how really bizarre and busy the day would turn out to be.
The first actually stop was to pick up chicken and guinea cages from my dad, which took only a couple of minutes, and then to tank up the truck and pick up a large coffee and some snacks for the road trip.
The first planned stop was to pick up a board horse that now belongs to a friend who lives out of town and is going to be keeping him here.
But I didn't make it there without mishap.
Less than a mile from my actual first scheduled destination, an explosion rocked my world. In the next instant, I realized I was covered in glass shards. My first instant thought was that I'd been shot. Thankfully, I was too much in shock to slam the brakes and (weirdly) drove about another couple hundred feet before I pulled over to try to figure out what happened.
Looks like a bird hit the window (someone said) - but this is the back window, directly behind the driver's head, and I was going about 50mph down a winding country subdivision. Some suggested it could have been a bird flipped over the top of the truck in the draft ... which ... I guess the hole is about the right size for a very small bird, but that doesn't explain the very centered point of impact and the fact there's no blood and no bird. That hole obviously could have been made by a rock or baseball ... but not in the back window going 50. -no one else was on the road, no one passed me.
The final answer has been narrowed down to a random shooting, space debris or spontaneous combustion. So far, nothing except glass shards have turned up in the truck cab or the bed. I'll give it a better going-over tomorrow.Picking up Chewy from a farm outside of Kauffman, the original first planned stop, was the next actual stop.
Then to Canton for four Red Cornish chickens, good laying and sitting hens, and a rooster. We were down from a mixed batch of six chickens and a rooster to only a couple of hens and that's not enough eggs for us. We're hoping to have an overabundance shortly!I was almost
home when I got a frantic call that one of the does we hadn't put in the pen had had her baby and was too busy fighting off the dogs and other goats to clean it or let it nurse. The boys snatched it up, dried it off and wrangled the mom into the pen and made sure the new little girl got her first good drink of colostrum. This little one now belongs to the young man who found her - I told him, that's what you get for saving her little life.
She's getting stronger, nursing good and mom is being a good mom, now that she's been given a chance.
We've had three little ones already, out of two does and four more does to go, although one isn't due for a couple of months - so we still have loads of cuteness still to come.
uh oh, turn your trailer to sharp?
oops! sorry tx! I love that you're reading along, but you caught me during a screw-up posting before it was finished!
I was actually going down the road when that happened. very scary!
Yikes! That doesn't look like a bird impact to me. No cuts or anything, right?
nothing serious. thank goodness. just some nicks from the glass when it shattered. of course, it's tempered, but there still is a lot inside the truck.
You should report the window to what ever police dept you were in, just in case others have had something like that happen, if it was a shot or something thrown. Gads, that is very scarey. And makes more sense now that I have text to read!
Not your dogs bugging the new baby was it? Lucky little goat!
Yes. I reported it to the local Sheriff's dept, although they were very ho-hum about it. grrrrr..... I told them frankly that I didn't expect them to be able to catch anyone, but that I felt it needed to be reported so they'd have documentation and a start on a paper trail if it continued and/or escalated. The shot would have landed almost directly between my shoulder blades given the point of impact and the angle. I have a hard time believing it was an accident.
yeah. re: the goat. we have two mastiff pups who are overly friendly, and the other goat moms were crowding around as well. This was a young, first time mom and she was understandable frantic when they found her.
Whoa, that is really scary! I'm so glad you're ok!
Thanks Willow. It was a rough day, and I'll be glad to head to bed when it's over.
Only you could get hit by a spontaneously combusting bird shot randomly from space….glad your head is still in one piece and properly attached to your neck!
Whew - too strange, all in all. Let us know if you find a bullet (and why didn't it go out the windshield??)
Nuthin cuter then a baby goat.
you're right sharon, you know me too well. I tried to trade lives with tamara, but she said no.
Damn! I also vote for the gunshot theory (not that anyone had any malicious intent; you know how far stray bullets can travel) - just glad you were not injured...
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