"What do we do?" Shosha cried. Her fur had fluffed out, and I couldn't
find her head. She had moved into Luna's arms and was now trying to burrow
into Lun...
Meanderings, musings and rants about the trials, tribulations and successes of raising and riding BLUE STAR Arabian horses and writing fantastical heroes and their so-called ladies.
Hang on for a wild ride ~ there's no point in climbing on if you don't plan to get sweaty.
LOL. Better watch your keys ;)
Yea! Go Gracie!
Wait a minute - that looks like one of MY goats ;-)!
[we are having our porch rail rebuilt, & Peran has big plans now for the fallow flowerbeds...He wants to try fencin' 'em off from the goats so we can try try again! Myself, I've gotten used to the "natural" look...]
Leah: At least they don't have thumbs... then we would be in real trouble
Aelfleah: LOL! That's her son... she trained him well, as you can see! :)
Val: I like the natural look as well. I had forgotten you had goats. I have a couple of questions. I'll send you an email.
Great picture, Sue. Your animals really spice things up, don't they?
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